Archive for February, 2010
GLART week4
by Yang Liu on Feb.24, 2010, under Uncategorized
Here is the homework of week4. I did some experiment with the light and the material.
here is the java file
here is the texture images, wood, stone and metal.
Use spacebar to switch between different materials.
by Yang Liu on Feb.17, 2010, under Uncategorized
Very easy program to demonstrate the application of camera.
Use arrow keys to control the camera, and use spacebar to switch between perspective and ortho view.
by Yang Liu on Feb.03, 2010, under Uncategorized
Ok, this week we deal with the translation and rotation of objects. The basic translation and rotation is not very hard. But I tried to write my own utility class, intending to complete the homework by using the syntax like myquad.translate(). I found it is not a easy job. Because in OpenGL the translation is like the reverse of the real world translation. In OpenGL, I have to moveĀ the matrix which is a frame of reference as well I think first. And then, draw the object. However, in my utility class I want to draw the object first and use different functions to manipulate it. I can’t figure it out this week. But I will keep thinking about it.
Here is the files including the unfinished utility class.